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Ignore DOM elements

Sometimes a component’s appearance changes every render or contains content like video and animation that is impossible to test consistently. This will trigger visual changes even when the component code hasn’t changed. Ignore tests or DOM elements to tell Chromatic to skip them when looking for changes.

Ignoring elements inline

To ignore specific elements in your UI, add the .chromatic-ignore class or data-chromatic="ignore" attributes to the elements you want Chromatic to skip. Enabling these attributes notifies Chromatic’s diffing algorithm to disregard the pixels when running your UI tests and comparing snapshots for visual changes, including the element’s bounding box and position (e.g., width, height, and relative positioning).

import React from "react";

interface VideoPlayerProps {
  src: string;
  datePublished?: string;

export const VideoPlayer: React.FC<VideoPlayerProps> = ({
  datePublished = new Date().toLocaleString(),
}) => {
  return (
      <video data-chromatic="ignore" src={src} controls>
        Your browser does not support video tags.
      <p className="chromatic-ignore">Published on: {datePublished}</p>

Ignoring elements via test configuration

You can specify a list of CSS selectors with the ignoreSelectors option to ignore multiple elements simultaneously. This option supports valid CSS selectors, such as .any-selector-the-browser-supports, #even-really-weird-ones, or a[href$=".zip" i]:after.

// Adjust this import to match your framework (e.g., nextjs, vue3-vite)
import type { Meta, StoryObj } from "@storybook/your-framework";

* Replace the @storybook/test package with the following if you are using a version of Storybook earlier than 8.0:
* import { within } from "@storybook/testing-library";
* import { expect } from "@storybook/jest";
import { expect, within } from "@storybook/test";

import { Product } from "./Product";

const meta: Meta<typeof Product> = {
  component: Product,
  title: "Product",
  parameters: {
    // Ignores the diff for elements targeted by the specified list of selectors
    chromatic: { ignoreSelectors: ['.product-price'] },

export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<typeof Product>;

export const Default: Story = {
  play: async ({ canvasElement }) => {
    const canvas = within(canvasElement);
    await expect(canvas.getByText("Product details")).toBeInTheDocument();
ℹ️ The chromatic.ignoreSelectors parameter can be set at story, component, and project levels. This enables you to set project wide defaults and override them for specific components and/or stories. Learn more »

Dimension changes in ignored elements still trigger diffs

Adding the data-chromatic="ignore" attribute or specifying a selector with the ignoreSelectors option instructs the diffing algorithm to disregard pixels within the bounding box of the ignored element. However, dimension changes of this element still trigger a change.

Ensure that both the baseline and new snapshots maintain the exact dimensions, such as width, height, and relative positioning.

In the first example, Chromatic will not trigger a change because the dimensions of the ignored element remain the same, even though the contents have changed.

In the second example, Chromatic will trigger a change because the dimensions of the ignored element have changed.