Simulate user behavior like click, type, and hover to check that your UI works correctly. You can use DOM-based assertions to test, debug, and reproduce issues conveniently in your browser.
Made for Storybook“Chromatic helps us to prevent at least three critical UI bugs per week that would otherwise make our platform unusable.”
Components do more than just render the UI—they also fetch data and manage state. Interaction tests let you verify functionality that your users encounter by simulating user events like click, type, and hover in the browser.
Stories capture all states and variations of components. They’re a pragmatic, reproducible way to keep track of UI test cases. Chromatic uses these stories to power visual tests. The best part is that it just works - no configuration necessary.
Simulate user events with Testing Library
Assert DOM structure with Vitest/Jest
Render UI in Storybook
Chromatic runs your entire test suite in parallel using standardized cloud browsers every time you push code. You’ll get an overview of the status of your tests in a convenient dashboard.
“Chromatic has reduced the number of UI regressions we ship by two-thirds.”
Run, reproduce, and debug test failures in any browser without having to run the entire test suite or needing a test environment. Debug UI issues using the real component code in full-fidelity with browser devtools. Link teammates directly to reproduction URLs.
Keep everyone in the loop by integrating Chromatic into your CI pipeline, Slack, or create custom workflows via webhook.
“Chromatic is a valuable addition to our testing toolset. It helps us catch UI bugs a lot quicker and easier!”